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Written by Daniel Yates | May 8, 2019

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Imagine what it would be like to wake up READY every morning. Ready to take on the day. Ready to move your business forward. Ready for success.


Unfortunately, more often than not the majority of us set ourselves up for failure in the morning. We start our day by making long to-do lists and dragging over unfinished tasks from the day before. There’s never enough time in the day to get it all done. We become accustomed to feeling accomplished when we haven’t really finished everything on the list.


What if we didn’t burden ourselves so much every day? Here are 3 quick tips to help you simplify your day and build momentum over the week.


1.  Stop Crowding Your To-Do List


Think about why your To-Do list stresses you out: Is it because the tasks at hand are so formidable? Or is it because you don’t really know where to start?


Solution: Shorten your list! Cut out the small stuff! Do you really need your list to consist of emails you need to respond to? Or can you use your inbox to prioritize those? Rather than cramming 7-8 items on your list each day, look for the 3-4 big ticket items you need to complete to move your business forward.


2.   Help Yourself Long-Term


Are you spending a lot of time on a certain part of your business? Whether it be responding to client intake emails, managing payroll, or even creating social media content, we all have at least one task that takes up a massive chunk of time.


Solution: Take time to create processes. Rather than winging it each time, write down clear and detailed directions for how you will handle each task in your business. This will take minimal time and can benefit you in the short term by saving you plenty of headaches. In the long term, it should allow you to effectively pass on tasks to your current or future employees.


3.   Don’t Work for 12 Hours


I’m definitely guilty of this. Some of us work non-stop. We start as soon as we wake up, we finish a few hours before bed. The sad truth is that very few of us ever stop to give our brain a rest.


Solution: Gauge your mental energy throughout the day. If your brain has checked out, chances are your productivity has too. Take a walk outside, do a short workout, or lay down for a few minutes.


In conclusion,


The main goal is to simplify your day. Simplicity leads to momentum. Momentum makes you READY each morning.

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